Words from Jenny Benham

Jenny Benham Jenny Benham


All things in life a cyclical. Hope always follows despair - and some seasons are longer than we would like.

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Jenny Benham Jenny Benham


This may sound a bit dark and it comes from a point of darkness following a time of joy.

It reminded me how easy it is to forget the beauty around us and see only despair.

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Jenny Benham Jenny Benham

Seeds of the Morning

Some days you wake up and just feel ready to connect with the world you live in. When you listen to that call, great things are possible.

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Jenny Benham Jenny Benham

People of the Land

I have sat through many presentations in acknowledgement of country and I've listened to the words but at a conference in sydney I actually heard the essence behind the words spoken.

I now listen with new awareness so with honour and humility i would like to respectfully offer these words as an interpretation of the message I felt that morning.

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