
It’s morning - 

The sun has risen-

darkness still lays heavy on my soul

I want to step up

I want to be seen


how do I move beyond this doubt 

this doubt that is holding me down

draining my energy

draining me

I look around - but what can I find?

there has to be a way  

a way around this darkness 

this darkness that crushes my very being

I open my eyes 

I try to see -  try to imagine a powerful me

I picture a river - 

a mountain stream - the rocks,  so firm , help determine its course

the trees , the reeds , the ripples all in unison move

all follow a rhythm - a power released

there is no calling for one to dominate, 

for this is the flow of  nature 

the beauty of a calm spring morning 

the challenge of the wind,  the rain

hear the ripple

hear the roar

feel the rain drops -  cry out for more

step into the world !

knock on that door!

I am the rock 

I am the wind

I am the water kissing the shore

I am the midday sun and the silence before the storm has come

I am all of this and I am more

The world beyond this moment in time may be full of darkness

full of  doubt, full of pain 


If I believe in myself I will work it out

one step

one moment

one nanosecond at a time

I look around and see the harmony within

I’ve found my place for this moment that is

I am the rock 

I am the water 

I am  - the wind!


Me and My Mate

