Seeds of the Morning

I woke this morning darkness on my mind.

Dreams of rejection, self hatred, shame and

despair are my constant bed fellows.

They haunt my every moment.

But; today the darkness changed.

I placed my naked feet firmly upon the ice- cold tiles of slate.

I felt an inner chill - a connection with the earth.

I heard a noise, a sound.

Today I listened.

Today I heard the magic : the magic awakening of the

morning as the day truly began.

I felt the warmth of the golden glow kissing the edges of

the clouds as the sun rose and opened my world.

Is there a world beyond the world of fear?

A world that welcomes and does not condemn

A world where I have a place

A world where I can find a friend.

I open the window and offer my thanks to the universe

I know I will have many more nights of darkness that

intrude into my world but I also know there is a world of

beauty beyond this crushing fear.

So I open myself to the power of all that is and begin my

journey with gratitude, hope and respect.

The seed of life is planted.

Watch, bond with this seed and with the powerful gifts of

the universe allow the self to blossom.




People of the Land