People of the Land

People of the land

Open my eyes, my heart, my soul

We gather here

Writers, readers and wanders alike

Words are shared, ideas too

What happened to the aboriginals

I did not realise I never knew

I heard the stories - words in whispers said

They were there and then they were dead

I never really understood 

Those involved dismissed their behaviours 

They produced the facts to justify all  

For they were good and the natives less than less 

They were without soul, they were not whole

But now l know the lies were told 

As a child I did not even think

The words were said I did not blink 

But now l see and now l feel 

I know the slaughter, it was real

We took more than the land of soil and ash

We took their spirit, their right to be 

Honor the land now means more to me

Things moved on - the rhythm changed

We spoke of good and truth and worth  

With these words I could feel the warmth as 

I sat down upon the earth

I closed the self that blocked the words 

And opened my heart, accepted their value, 

Like the pearl in the oyster

I felt my understanding form. 

If only knowing and sharing was part of the norm

Like the child at birth

We should be of equal rights regardless if we are

White or dark or of any other shade

We are us, we are who we are.

Move beyond the judgement - let all have the right to be.    

Jenny Benham 2023


Seeds of the Morning

