Before You

Alone with COVID - was not my choice - (warning)              

I stand here, l hear the wheels turn, 

Will the engine begin to rev?

Will it slip into gear

As I toy with the idea - Why am l here.

Why am I writing 

Is there purpose behind the pen

Am I here to share the words that I write?

Words I write on this dark stormy night

I’m sad - I’m alone

Sitting here on my own

The law states I cannot leave my home

I’m not to wander, not to roam

But my mind it cannot be contained

The voices and shadows haunt my soul

My spirit of joy -  swallowed into the ocean of doom

I sit in torment - I stare at the phone

         I’m here, my soul is ruptured.

I want to share, to open the door, just in case you too have been there  before

what are these words I'm trying to share?

I’ve been alone in the catacombs of despair

Do you see the signs 

Do you hear the words whispered in the wind 

We can’t avoid the messages  

They penetrate our soul

Who picks up the shattered shards when alone we collapse

The dark shroud of suicide smothers my very being

But let me please dismiss the myth that all is  for attention

I did not take this pathway  purely to make a statement for often it is the sense of isolation that seems to narrows the options,

Confusion burns like red hot shards cutting down all may be

Can you hear the one that stands alone? - Can you see them?

Can you treat them with compassion and dignity?

They do not wear this plague upon their chest just to piss you off.

If it stirs too much conflict within you remember that is your issue- sit with it, let it rest and if need be step away


The Sun Never Came

