Christmas Blessing from Jenny

My web site and Facebook page have been open for a few days now and of course having Christmas just around the corner I tried to think something with a Christmas feel to it to celebrate this - Maybe some lines from a couple of Christmas hymns or maybe some of those merry jingles but then I started to think what Christmas really is for me and guess what I found that although I love the getting of presents there is some thing that gives me more pleasure and that is the giving of these presents.

I love thinking , planning and buying that thing that the person may not even know that they want. I get that warm fuzzy feeling each time I celebrate this timeless tradition of giving from the heart. I admit, Christmas has changed.- things are forever increasing in price - there are greater options out there, more people wanting more things - Have we really lost the days when a note book and pen is seen as the door way to a new world, a world limited only by the limitations we put on ourselves.

Close your eyes and imagine - call in all the lights and whistles you want. Use what you have, what you know and what you feel. Use these as building blocks - believe in your power , believe you have the skills to build, to change that that is. But like with any story it takes effort to build it up, to plan, to change, to dream but the effort is worth it. Ok here is a suggestion. Look for a note book. It can be hard , soft cover , line, unlined, spiral or fixed binding. It can have a plan or patterned cover Even paper weight and colour can be changed.

Then find your writing tool and when you select your tools then open the greatest canvas you can ever have and write your story - it can have monsters and fairies. You can be invisible. You can be the hero, no longer the victim without an outlet. You can fly, you can run, and skip and dance. You are the author this is your story you are free.

Merry Christmas may the spirit of Christmas bring joy.

PS - if this touched you somewhere within your heart then may I suggest that you use that feeling to help you project that love forward. Maybe find a piece of paper - you can buy a fancy writing set or straighten out a screwed up piece of paper towel and you can use a classy fountain pen or a well used chewed up pencil. Put your heart on this page. Maybe send it to someone you haven’t seen for a while, some one from your past, or maybe your very best friend. Send a message of love to someone who truely touches your heart and let them know that they matter to you and wish them a happy Christmas too.

Jenny Benham 12/12/2023


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