With Gratitude and Respect

To Julie, my support worker 

We met as client and worker 

Things were a bit strange

I even had struggle remembering your name 

But things developed

Together our bond grew 

I began to look forward to our meetings 

Your name I soon knew 

Fridays and Saturday weren’t just anyone

It was always you 

The importance of your presence helped me find courage 

To find the art of supporting one another, sharing together 

You may not know the answer

Yet for this you would search 

You helped me find my patience 

You showed me success is not achieved in blowing up the wall 

There are many different ways tackle a challenge 

You confirmed the power of approaching, viewing and assessing 

Instead of diving straight in without floaties, 

Loosing my bearings,

spinning out and sinking 

I swim a lot easier now in the ocean of life 

Julie much of this is due to your very being 

So thank you

For coming as a stranger and leaving as a friend 

I will miss our time shared

It was strong but am learning the strength of remembering,

feeling and letting go

without becoming lost in the nothingness

for that nothingness only comes in fleeting waves

and is no longer full tsunamis and

even when they come

you helped me believe in my ability

to move with them and

rebuild as needed

Thank you my friend 


Darkness Beyond Darkness


Knock Knock