My Struggle

Can no one hear my silent screams.

Why must my pain be locked within my dreams

I am so scared

I am so weak

I sit alone

Alone I weep

So much pain I cannot sleep

The demons of darkness consume my day

Some time in vain I kneel and pray

My soul is stripped of the essence that was once me

My heart is shattered

I have no right, no place to be

I’ve failed at life

I failed at death

If only I had not held that final breath

That breath that kept me from eternal darkness be

Can you hear my cries

Can you feel my pain

I am worthless

All sense of self lost in shame

I hear your cries

I feel your pain

I am me, what’s your name?

May I sit here by your side

I will not judge, you need not hide

I too have felt that burning pain

And felt the barbs of that inner shame

May I sit with you and you with me and together we will rest and see what we might see

I cannot walk your steps for you but I can hold the candle while you do

While you find the strength to look beyond

Beyond the darkness deep within

Find the strength to stand once more

To stand with pride, to sing, to roar

To know that you too have a place

To step beyond at your own pace

To let the shame wash from you

A shame  you had no need to claim

Raise your head, hold it high, choose to live

Choose not to die

For you are you and I am I and that’s enough

And that’s ok

Tomorrow starts another day


Knock Knock


First Steps