The beginning. My beginning.

I’m a writer and a poet

I'm a dreamer

I surf the clouds and play with the wind

I gain strength from the world that surrounds me

I climb the mountains, I crawl through the desert

I’ve lived in darkness, cried tears never formed

I was lost and I am even now still lost at times but I’ve learnt about the strength we all have within.

I’ve learnt to dance in the rain to release the shame to set myself free, to look deep inside

To see the me that I am and have the potential be.

Each step that I take, each move that I make gives me strength to look beyond to let my eyes rest upon my soul

As I focus on my essences and in peace, become whole.

These are my words: my words of sorrow and pain but with these words I’ve learnt to stand up straight hold my head high. 

To release the energy that I am, the energy that is me, accept this self and the power of change and offer unto the wind this poet's name.

We all dream and we struggle to reach these dreams to push the boundaries that mark our paths but often these dreams become lost in the haze of reality. I had a dream, as dreams will be. 

I was an adult in the mind of a child of three - I was going to be a Nurse. I would draw cuts on my dolly’s knees then I would bandage them up then take them down, wipe away the cut and rejoice in their return to good health. I was a dreamer at 3, and a Registered Nurse at 20.

Darkness came - I lost myself then one day I heard the wind I picked up my quill and let the words flow.

Written by Jenny Benham


Secret Being


Let Me Be